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Shielding Verification

/ Radiation Shielding / Shielding Verification

What is Shielding Verification?

Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR17) details that a critical examination must be carried out if there are radiation protection implications arising from the way in which an article is being, or has been, erected or installed.
Shielding verification, also known as shielding integrity testing, is a method of determining the level and integrity of installed shielding by explicitly using radiation sources prior to final commissioning. This is particularly important for new facilities and those where a change of use is planned.
Shielding verification is typically performed using a small mobile radiation source that emits radiation of a similar energy to the final use case. A key advantage of using a mobile radiation source is that it is not constrained to a particular location and can be positioned where necessary to test specific areas and safely demonstrate that the shielding design intent has been achieved.

Our Capability

In our experience, additional costs associated with shield verification are likely to be very small when compared to potential remediation costs should an installation fault be found after final finishes and/ or equipment has been installed. Shielding verification testing at the earliest opportunity will realise the greatest benefit to a project, installation faults at this stage can be more easily addressed whilst other construction work is ongoing, thus saving significant time as well as mitigating commissioning delays.

Our in-house team are highly experienced in the use of radiation sources in a wide range of challenging environments.
• We have the capability to utilise low or high activity sealed sources, as well as mobile betatrons, which can produce high energy and intensity radiation beams useful for highly shielded situations.
• Working with our partners, we have access to highly shielded test cells for specific component testing requirements.
• Cerberus Nuclear uniquely combines our practical on-site shielding verification experience with radiation shielding modelling capability to allow detailed understanding of complex situations.

Other Radiation Shielding Specialisms

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Shielding Verification news

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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  software development


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