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Software Development

What is software development?

Within Cerberus Nuclear we use cutting edge techniques for our technical specialisms, this has naturally led to a growing software development capability.

Cyclone™ is a good example of this. What started out as a series of utilities to facilitate running of our own Monte Carlo calculations has grown into a full model visualisation and data management suite of software.
In 2019 we created a spin off subsidiary company, Orthrus Software™, to produce a commercial release of Cyclone™ and explore software development opportunities outside of our technical specialisms.

Visit to read more about Orthrus Software™ and use Cyclone™ for free.
Within Cerberus Nuclear we retain a software development capability focussed on our radiation shielding, criticality safety and nuclear characterisation specialisms, but with the flexibility to draw upon the Orthrus Software™ team experience. Aside from Cyclone™, our main software development projects have been related to Data Science; read more about our capability, including case studies here:
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other services

We are experienced in communicating high quality, complex data produced from assessments to all stakeholders. This knowledge allows a project to make intuitive and informed decisions, which provides greater confidence and reduces overall project risk during the design process.
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Cerberus Nuclear has one of the largest independent criticality safety teams in the UK and has significant experience in supporting key clients across the nuclear industry. We are also members of the UK Working Party on Criticality (WPC), which is focusing on criticality safety issues.
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We are at the forefront of the development and deployment of innovative and cost effective non-destructive techniques which can be used for physical and radiometric measurement in highly challenging environments. Our techniques can be applied across a range of sectors.

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Software Development news

Cyclone Sage at RPSD 2024
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Nuclear Modelling 2024
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Cerberus Nuclear to Expand Expertise with FLUKA.CERN
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Cerberus Nuclear attend ANSWERS Seminar
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  software development


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