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Cerberus Nuclear joins University of Birmingham Nuclear Masters Steering Committee

Article by - Emily McManus on 20 June 2024

Cerberus Nuclear are excited to join the steering committee for the Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors (PTNR) MSc and Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management (NDAWM) MSc at the University of Birmingham. The department was the home of the first nuclear reactor in Britain and has been running the PTNR MSc since 1956. The university more recently added the NDAWM MSc, and continually updates the degrees to reflect the increasing sophistication of the field and the requirements of the industry.

A steering committee meeting was held yesterday (19th June), and Katrina Christaki and Daniel Rutland were delighted to take part! The meeting was attended by a number of industry leaders. The purpose of the steering committee was to discuss key issues, including the course content, opportunities for students, and the continual need from across the nuclear industry for skills taught on both courses, such as criticality and shielding.

Cerberus Nuclear has enjoyed a successful relationship with the university, taking on students for summer placements and in graduate roles in previous years. We look forward to becoming more involved with the courses as part of the steering committee.

We would like to thank Paul Norman for inviting us to be involved in the steering committee, and for organising an interesting and thought provoking day!

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