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Radiation Shielding

We have a highly experienced in-house team that provide radiation shielding design analysis and dose assessment services to cover the full project life cycle.

What is Radiation Shielding Design?

Radiation shielding design is a field of nuclear engineering that plays an integral part of a nuclear facility layout and overall design. Radiation shielding specialists use effective design of shield walls, access labyrinths, shield doors and service penetrations to protect personnel and the public from the harmful effects of exposure to ionising radiation. Optimisation of a facility’s shielding is used as part of a dose optimisation strategy designed to keep any exposures As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

Our Capability

Cerberus Nuclear has a highly experienced in-house team that provide radiation shielding design and dose assessment services to cover the full project design life cycle:
​• Project Commencement
• Bulk Shielding
• Detailed Design
• Shielding Verification
• Plant Modification
• Decommissioning
We use an industry accepted design process which scales from small projects to complete, large scale facility design.
We are experienced in communicating high quality, complex data produced from assessments to all stakeholders. This knowledge allows a project to make intuitive and informed decisions, which provides greater confidence and reduces overall project risk during the design process.
We are also members of the Shielding Forum (TSF), which is an industry forum intended to promote good practice and provide authoritative advice for all matters related to radiation shielding.

Radiation Shielding Specialisms


Facility Design
Neutronic analysis
Activation Analysis
Shielding optimisation
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Linac Bunkers
Proton Therapy
X-ray Shielding
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high energy

Beam Lines
X-ray facilities
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Sealed source testing
Betatron testing
LiDAR scanning
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other services

Cerberus Nuclear has one of the largest independent criticality safety teams in the UK and has significant experience in supporting key clients across the nuclear industry. We are also members of the UK Working Party on Criticality (WPC), which is focusing on criticality safety issues.
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We are at the forefront of the development and deployment of innovative and cost effective non-destructive techniques which can be used for physical and radiometric measurement in highly challenging environments. Our techniques can be applied across a range of sectors.

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Our team has extensive experience in development of software projects. We use the Agile methodology for rapid release and short development cycles
We are experts in data science specifically for nuclear engineering applications and the analysis of very large data sets.
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shielding news

Tour of INTA Technology Campus
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YGN Introduction to Safety Case, Criticality and Shielding Seminar
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Cerberus Nuclear joins University of Birmingham Nuclear Masters Steering Committee
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TSF & WPC: Cerberus Nuclear Presents at Specialist Forums
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  software development


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