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University Careers Fairs 2024

Article by - Zachary Strangwood on 22 October 2024
Cerberus Nuclear Stand at the University of Birmingham

Cerberus Nuclear attended two separate careers fairs on the 16/10/2024. John, Thomas, and Zac travelled to the University of Birmingham's STEM Fair while Dan, Sam, and Tom attended the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy Placement and Recruitment Fair based at the University of York.

Both trips were a success! We had the opportunity to talk to lots of interesting people with a wide variety of backgrounds and future career plans. We would like to thank the University of Birmingham, University of York, and the White Rose Industrial Physics Academy for their hands in organising these events and their hospitality throughout.

We love being able to introduce people to Radiation Shielding and Criticality Safety at these types of events as well as talking to those who already have aspirations to work within these fields. Cerberus Nuclear look forward to attending similar events throughout the year and hopefully returning to both of these events next year!

Cerberus Nuclear Stand at the University of York

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