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High Energy Research

/ Case Studies / High Energy Research/ 

What is High Energy Research?

High energy particle accelerator facilities play a vital role in advancing scientific knowledge and developing innovative technologies. In the scientific realm, they enable researchers to probe the fundamental building blocks of matter, helping to unlock the mysteries of the universe. These facilities are also essential in driving breakthroughs in fields such as material science, where high-energy particle beams can reveal structural properties at the atomic level.

In the medical sector, particle accelerators are at the forefront of life-saving innovations, such as cancer treatments through proton therapy and the production of medical isotopes for diagnostic imaging. Additionally, high energy accelerators contribute to critical applications in industry, including the development of advanced materials, semiconductor manufacturing, and security scanning technologies

Particle Cascades

High-energy radiation in particle accelerators generates particle cascades, where primary particles interact with matter to produce secondary particles such as protons, neutrons, electrons, muons, and gamma rays. Each of these particles interacts differently with shielding materials, presenting unique challenges in designing comprehensive protection. Neutrons, for example, are highly penetrating and can activate surrounding materials, creating radioactive isotopes that require careful management over time. Gamma rays are deeply penetrating and require dense materials like lead for effective shielding, while charged particles such as protons and electrons interact strongly with matter, leading to energy deposition that can damage sensitive equipment.

The complexity of these interactions means that shielding must be tailored to account for the full range of particle types and their energy spectra. Activation of materials adds further challenges, as it not only increases radiation levels over time but also impacts the long-term usability and maintenance of facility components. Effective shielding design requires advanced modelling to accurately predict particle behaviour and optimise material selection to balance protection, cost, and durability. This makes particle cascades one of the most demanding aspects of high-energy research facility design.

Our Capability

At Cerberus Nuclear, we offer our in-house expertise in high-energy research shielding design, using the latest technologies and computational tools to address the unique challenges posed by particle accelerators. Our team has a proven track record of delivering advanced solutions for research, medical, and industrial facilities, ensuring safety, efficiency, and compliance with stringent regulatory standards.

We utilise a suite of state-of-the-art computational codes, including MCNP, FLUKA, PHITS, SCALE, and OpenMC, to perform detailed neutronics and radiation transport analyses. These tools enable us to accurately model particle interactions, calculate radiation fields, and optimise shielding designs for a variety of applications. Our in-house software complements these codes, allowing us to tailor solutions to the specific needs of each project.

By combining advanced computational tools with deep industry knowledge, Cerberus Nuclear delivers world-class support for high-energy research projects, helping to drive innovation and ensure safe operation in this critical field.
> Neutronics Design and Analysis: 
Detailed modelling of particle behaviour and interactions to support facility design.

> Bioshield Design: 
Development of robust shielding to protect personnel from harmful radiation exposure.

> Skyshine Calculations: 
Assessment of scattered radiation that escapes into the environment.
Activation Analysis: Evaluation of material activation to minimise radioactive waste and optimise component lifetimes.

> Shielding Optimisation: 
Balancing safety, cost, and performance for efficient and effective shielding solutions.

> Dose Assessments: Ensuring radiation levels meet safety and regulatory limits for operators and the public.

CASe study 1
Proton Beam Cyclotron Shielding Design

Cerberus Nuclear provided comprehensive shielding design support for a new cyclotron facility intended to activate radium targets for medical applications. PHITS was used to generate neutron and gamma source terms for the proton beam interactions with both a concrete shield wall and a copper-backed radium target.

MCNP calculations determined the required concrete shield wall thickness to meet regulatory safety standards, considering beam impacts on the wall and the radium target. Shielding requirements for the activated radium target were also evaluated for different processing stages, using materials such as concrete, steel, and lead glass.

To ensure accuracy, PHITS was employed as an independent cross-check for the MCNP shielding calculations, delivering a robust and compliant shielding design.

CASe study 2
Muography for Subsurface Imaging

Cerberus Nuclear works closely with our partners to explore underground structures using muography, a cutting-edge technique that utilises cosmic-ray-induced muons. This innovative technology provides accurate 2D and 3D density imaging to support safety, planning, and operational strategies.

The project involves assessing borehole muon detectors and muon telescopes, offering flexible, non-invasive solutions for subsurface imaging. By analysing muon attenuation, the technology reveals density variations and enables precise mapping of critical structures.

This partnership combines advanced muon imaging technology with Cerberus Nuclear’s specialised expertise, advancing subsurface exploration in challenging environments.

Case Studies

civil nuclear & defense

New Build
Plant Modifications
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Facility Design
Neutronic analysis
Activation Analysis
Shielding optimisation
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Linac Bunkers
Proton Therapy
X-ray Shielding
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Sealed source testing
Betatron testing
LiDAR scanning
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High Energy Research news

Big Science Business Forum 2024
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Tour of INTA Technology Campus
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Cerberus Nuclear to Expand Expertise with FLUKA.CERN
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UKAEA Fusion - STEP Reactor Shielding Design
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  software development


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