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Cerberus Nuclear is a UK-based consultancy specialising in nuclear innovation. Our expertise encompasses radiation shielding, criticality safety, shield integrity testing, and supporting nuclear site licensees and other organisations with tailored solutions.
Our highly experienced in-house team that provide radiation shielding design analysis and dose assessment services to cover the full project life cycle.
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We provide expert shield testing services to meet regulatory standards for medical, defence, and nuclear facilities.

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With one of the largest  independent criticality safety teams in the UK we have experience across all licence sites.

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Our team have experience in developing and implementing characterisation strategies that are able to support all stages of the nuclear plant life-cycle.
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Discover how we use advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning to deliver pioneering solutions for the nuclear sector.
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about us

Founded in 2016, Cerberus Nuclear brings together highly specialist skills and industry-wide experience. We offer comprehensive Radiation Shielding, Criticality Safety and Nuclear Characterisation services for the Civil Nuclear, Medical, Research and Defence sectors.

Our mission is to provide high quality technical solutions with an emphasis on creativity and innovation. We achieve this by being an exemplary employer of talented individuals.

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product spotlight: carta

Criticality safety can be complicated; there are many physical factors that determine the ‘k-effective’ of a system (i.e. if it can become ‘critical’). Our desktop and VR software combines physically accurate modelling and machine learning in a Virtual Reality (VR) or Desktop environment to provide trainers with a fantastic tool to engage with all levels of trainee. It is unique from anything else on the market as it is underpinned by accurate Monte Carlo modelling.
We offer two ready-made CARTA simulations, which will provide immediate enhancements to existing training courses. We also offer bespoke development of training scenarios tailored to our clients needs. We are able to model fissile systems with accuracy, both in terms of their physical behaviour and appearance.
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OSSFE Conference 2025
Last week, our shielding consultant, John Billingsley, had the opportunity to attend the Open Source Software for Fusion Energy (OSSFE) Conference – a first-of-its-kind event dedicated to advancing the development of open-source tools within the fusion energy community. The conference brought together researchers, developers, and enthusiasts from around the world to share exciting open source […]
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PTNR Industrial Lecture 2025
Cerberus Nuclear returned to the University of Birmingham to deliver an industrial lecture for the Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors (PTNR) masters course. Katrina, Toby, and Zac are all alumni of the PTNR course and were excited to return to campus for this presentation. Katrina opened the presentation, introducing the students to Cerberus Nuclear […]
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HAWTT Team wins NDA Collaboration Award
Following on from the recent NDA supply chain event, we are proud to share that the Higher Activity Waste Thermal Treatment Team (HAWTT) were announced as the winners of the award for 'best example of delivering excellence through collaboration'! Cerberus Nuclear alongside NTS and NWS colleagues have been providing criticality expertise to the programme as […]
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  shield integrity testing  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  Innovation & Nuclear AI


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