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Nuclear Characterisation

Our team have experience in developing and implementing characterisation strategies that are able to support all stages of the nuclear plant life-cycle.

What is Nuclear Characterisation?

Characterisation is a broad term that applies to multiple assessment methods used to assess the nature or status of nuclear facilities, infrastructure and materials. Understanding the status and condition of such facilities is extremely important when planning or undertaking Post Operational Clean Out (POCO), remediation and decommissioning activities as it permits more optimal decision making, removing the need for conservatism and adding value to the project.

The benefits to nuclear operators and site license holders of thorough and robust characterisation are clear and can be seen through improved hazard and risk reduction, reduced engineering complexity and significant cost savings.

At Cerberus Nuclear we have significant experience in the field of radiometric, sensor deployment and the analysis of measurement data from challenging nuclear environments.

Our Capability

Acquisition and deployment of radiation detectors for in situ measurement challenges (Geiger-Muller tubes, ion chambers, gamma spectrometers, neutron counters) and analysis of the acquired data for our customers bespoke needs.
Development of innovative detector package deployment solutions with our supply chain and academic partners.
Strategic support to all aspects of installed and portable radionuclide and nuclear material assay, from consultancy advice, planning, design assistance, commissioning support, to operation, maintenance support and data analysis. 
Waste characterisation, sentencing and segregation studies, using methodologies consistent with Data Quality Objectives and industry accepted Good Practice Guides.
Monte Carlo
Advanced Monte Carlo modelling studies of radiometric assay instrumentation to facilitate in situ analysis, calibration and testing of equipment, feasibility and uncertainty studies.
Unique combination of bringing characterisation requirements, analysis and data interpretation into criticality safety case studies to streamline the overall assessment methodology making the process as efficient as possible.
In addition to our radiometric knowledge our core company expertise, in the areas of shielding, criticality and software, extends to the development and use of the following technology:
​• Laser Scanning
• Robotics
• Data Science
Our team of qualified experts are capable of delivering quality assured projects covering all aspects of characterisation project strategy, technology development, on site measurement and data visualisation and analysis.
Cerberus Nuclear are at the forefront of the development and deployment of innovative and cost-effective non-destructive techniques which can be used for physical inspection and radiometric measurement in highly challenging environments.

case study 1
Sellafield MSSS Wall Inspection Robot

Cerberus Nuclear have developed a wall robot in collaboration with Jacobs for the characterisation of cracks in a wall on site at Sellafield Ltd through the Gamechangers Programme. The project was sponsored through the feasibility study and proof of concept phases.

Cerberus Nuclear was responsible for the radiometric package to be deployed by the robot as well as the data analysis and visualisation. The data analysis involved automated visual manipulations using computer vision. Cerberus Nuclear also designed the user interface, which overlayed a dose rate contour map of collected radiometric data over a stitched image of the wall, with areas of interest highlighted to aid operator analysis after the scan. As part of the project, Cerberus Nuclear also created a radiometric dataset using MCNP and started to explore the training of a machine learning algorithm to detect where cracks might be forming from the radiometric data.

Other services

We have a highly experienced in-house team that provide radiation shielding design analysis and dose assessment services to cover the full project life cycle.
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We provide expert shield testing services to meet regulatory standards for medical, defence, and nuclear facilities.

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We have one of the largest independent criticality safety teams in the UK.

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Discover how we use advanced artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning to deliver pioneering solutions for the nuclear sector.
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  shield integrity testing  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  Innovation & Nuclear AI


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