(0)1925 357311


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Our mission is to provide high quality technical solutions with an emphasis on creativity and innovation. We achieve this by being an exemplary employer of talented individuals.


Cerberus Nuclear was founded in late 2016 and began trading in February 2017. Craig, Dan and Stewart had worked for various nuclear licenced sites, consultancies and as self-employed contractors and wanted to create a consultancy that would go about things in a different way – one that specialised in its chosen fields, was client focussed, and was a great place to work, but also one that genuinely invested in and encouraged research and development.

Tom Page joined the company as a 4th director in April 2018, closely followed by our first employee, Carl Hughes in October 2018. Since then, the company has grown steadily. As well as attracting experienced assessors, graduate recruitment has played a key role in the growth of the company.

In 2020 we introduced an Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) scheme, which rewarded our employees with shares in Cerberus, making us an ‘employee owned’ company.

Our timeline

what we do

Cerberus Nuclear brings together highly specialist skills and industry-wide experience to offer comprehensive Radiation Shielding, Criticality Safety and Nuclear Characterisation services for the Civil Nuclear, Medical, Research and Defence sectors. In addition to a senior team with a wealth of experience, we have strong links to universities and an established graduate training programme. As a small, independent company, we have grown into one of the largest suppliers of criticality and shielding expertise in the UK.

Our mission is to provide high quality technical solutions with an emphasis on creativity and innovation. We achieve this by being an exemplary employer of talented individuals.

We invest in training and development and provide dedicated time for our exceptional team to work on research and development projects. As well as enhancing our internal systems and processes, some of these in-house projects have led to big advancements like our internationally recognised criticality training software CARTA™ and the creation of our subsidiary Orthrus Software, which hosts Cyclone™, a new way to create and process Monte Carlo models.

meet the team

As a consultancy, our team are our main asset. Our talented bunch of employees make the company what it is. Furthermore, we have a growing pool of part-time employees and associates, including very experienced consultants and internationally recognised experts in their field.


Craig Holland

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Craig Holland

Craig has 16 years’ experience in the nuclear industry, specialising primarily in criticality safety assessments and radiation shielding assessments. He has worked for multiple clients across the UK in the civil nuclear and defence industries, including Urenco, Magnox and AWE. He has extensive experience on operational and decommissioning projects, as well as the provision of independent checking and peer review. He has particular recent experience of criticality assessments, safety case support, HAZAN production and provision of ad hoc criticality advice in his role providing support to Urenco as senior criticality safety assessor.

Craig is highly experienced in the use of radiation transport and criticality codes such as MCNP, MONK and RANKERN, including the use of variance reduction techniques, and has extensive experience in production of safety case documentation, including HAZANs, criticality safety assessments, technical reports, CWS (CIDAS) omission cases, CWS placement studies and SOE assessments. He also has significant experience in criticality emergency planning.

Craig has been a director of Cerberus Nuclear since its inception in 2016.

Tom Page

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Tom Page

Tom is a chartered physicist with a PhD in Nuclear Physics and over 20 years experience as a technical specialist in the nuclear industry.  He is a director of Cerberus Nuclear and joined the company in 2018. Tom has a proven ability in leadership of teams engaged in technical work on a wide variety of projects and has applied principles from his APMP project management qualification and the Sellafield Ltd Leadership Academy to consistently deliver work to time and cost.

Tom began his career as a graduate criticality safety assessor for a major defence organisation in the UK, where he worked on fissile material systems, becoming an expert user of the MONK criticality code.  Subsequently, Tom moved into consultancy, gaining 8 years experience as a principal consultant in both criticality safety assessment and radiation shielding, where he made extensive use of MCNP.  Following this Tom moved to Sellafield Ltd, whereupon after successfully leading a characterisation and modelling team on-site at Sellafield for four years he then joined Cerberus Nuclear as a director in 2018.

Based in Chester, Tom represents the company at the British Energy Coast Business Cluster (BECBC).

Stewart Hay

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Stewart Hay

Stewart is a Chartered Physicist, criticality safety and radiation shielding assessor. He is also a co-founder and Director of Cerberus Nuclear and represents the company on the UK Working Party on Criticality (WPC). For over 16 years Stewart has worked across the UK nuclear industry with long-term secondments to a number of key clients including URENCO, AWE and NNL.  His project work has involved working with other safety disciplines, design engineers, plant management and regulators to achieve fit for purpose designs and processes. Stewart is a highly experienced user of various computer codes, including MCNP, MONK, ATTILA and MCBEND, and has produced validation and verification documentation for a number of clients. Stewart is also an effective mentor of graduate and early career criticality assessors and has extensive experience of supervising the work of trainee criticality assessors.

Daniel Cork

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Daniel Cork

Dan is the radiation shielding team lead for Cerberus Nuclear.

He has over 10 years’ experience in radiation shielding design, classification of areas and dose uptake assessments and has worked many for clients across the UK and abroad. He has provided independent technical advice regarding radiation safety issues as well as peer review support. Dan is highly experienced in the use of radiation transport codes such as MCNP, SCALE as well as ATTILA and provides training and development in Monte Carlo and deterministic methods.

Dan has previously been the chair for the UK Shielding Forum (TSF) which is a UK authority for shielding principles, methodologies and core skill requirements for the nuclear industry.

Senior Team

Emily McManus

Commercial Manager
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Emily McManus
Commercial Manager

Emily is the Business and Commercial Strategy Lead at Cerberus Nuclear, providing business development and management support for the company. Her responsibilities include pursuing new business opportunities, and bid writing and management. Since starting with the company she has also been involved in the implementation of the Business Management System (ISO9001, 14001 & 45001), for which Cerberus Nuclear has been UKAS Accredited.

Emily is also an experienced radiation shielding assessor with over 6 years’ experience. She was a SQEP 3 assessor for Sellafield Ltd and has worked on a range of decommissioning and new build projects supporting safety, engineering and design teams. Highly proficient in radiation transport codes such as MCNP, MCBEND and RANKERN, she has produced key documents in line with the Shielding Design Process including Shielding Design Basis, Classification of Areas, Bulk Shielding, Detailed Design support, Dose Assessment as well as CID Placement Assessments.

Commercial email:
Telephone: +44(0)1925 357311

Toby Tyas

Principal Consultant
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Toby Tyas
Principal Consultant
Criticality Safety

Toby is a criticality assessor with 12 years’ experience in the nuclear industry.  He has carried out criticality safety assessments for operational facilities, decommissioning projects, fissile material storage facilities and of packages intended for geological disposal.  He has also produced analyses to support staged safety case reports and contributed to peer reviews of criticality safety assessments.  Toby is experienced in the use of handbook data and criticality calculations using MCNP (including the Whisper package to estimate EPD) and also has MONK experience.  Toby has represented his employer as a deputy member of the Working Party on Criticality and is a member of the Handbook Data and Criticality Training sub-groups.

Toby has led a number of high-profile decommissioning criticality safety assessments at AWE and SL.  He has also supported UNS, UUK and LLWR.  The UNS and LLWR roles required presentations to management safety committees: UUK’s SRG (Criticality) and LLWR’s MEHSC.  Toby has operational criticality assessment experience using the DBAA methodology at NNL.  Toby also has preliminary design phase experience as he provided criticality safety advice, including calculations, in support of Urenco’s Flexible Enrichment Module.

Toby has undertaken technical oversight and project management roles, acting as the technical point of contact on the RWM Framework and projects for the Winfrith site and LLWR (HAW vaults and Silos).  He has defined the technical approach required for work, managed resources and made regular project updates to client ICs.

Hannah Evans

Principal Consultant
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Hannah Evans
Principal Consultant
Radiation Shielding

Hannah is a technical specialist in the field of radiation shielding and dose assessment with 15 years’ experience. She has provided support to safety, engineering and design teams for a variety of new build, operational plant and decommissioning projects on nuclear sites across the UK, including managing the delivery of shielding support on high-profile projects such as Sellafield’s SIXEP Contingency Plant, BEPPS-DIF & Silos Direct Encapsulation Plant and AWE’s HUB. She is highly experienced in the use of radiation transport codes such as MCNP, SCALE, OpenMC, ATTILA, MCBEND & RANKERN. She has mentored several junior members of staff and has provided many radiation shielding training courses, both for Sellafield and for Cerberus, and now is responsible for coordinating the delivery of Cerberus Nuclear’s various shielding assessments.


Daniel Murphy

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Daniel Murphy

Daniel Murphy is a Chartered Physicist and a Radiation Shielding Consultant with 7 years’ experience in the nuclear industry in radiation shielding and operational health physics.  He is an expert user of MCNP and other shielding codes and has led the shielding design on many challenging projects.  He worked for clients across the UK and internationally on projects for both active plants and major decommissioning projects.

Thomas Scone

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Thomas Scone

Thomas joined Cerberus Nuclear as a radiation shielding consultant after working as a Teaching Fellow for the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, for over 2 and a half years. His PhD research covered the statistical analysis of large gait data sets and the modelling of magnetic fluids for soft robotic gait rehabilitation. The research involved designing a multiphysics COMSOL study that combined magnetic fields and fluid, and hyperelastic based solid mechanics, pushing the simulation capabilities of the software. As a teaching fellow, Thomas was the Mechanical Engineering Lab Lead for the School of Engineering, managing the design and delivery of various module labs for students. In addition, he developed materials for delivering teaching on ethics in engineering, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and design practises across various modules.

Andrew Weaver

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Andrew Weaver

Andrew is a graduate criticality safety and radiation shielding consultant. Previously, Andrew has been working in academia in the field of nuclear physics research. He completed a PhD involving the study of the beta-decaying states within 102Y, via mass measurements and gamma-ray spectroscopy. This allowed him to gain experimental experience at the IGISOL facility at the University of Jyväskylä and many forms of data analysis and ion beam simulations. These skills were then further honed during his time as a post-doctoral researcher at the TITAN facility at TRIUMF. This post also allowed for greater understanding of data acquisition, electronics and project development. During this time, becoming an effective science communicator has been important and this has been aided through working in teams and attending conferences.    

Daniel Rutland

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Daniel Rutland

Daniel is a Criticality Safety Consultant with an MSc in Nuclear Science and Technology and an MPhys in Physics, as well as experience in a range of different roles across the UK nuclear industry. Prior to joining Cerberus Nuclear, Daniel worked in criticality safety at Nuclear Transport Solutions performing analyses of waste packages for the Standardised Waste Transport Container, using MONK software to ensure that the packages complied with the ONR’s safety regulations.

Andrew Smith

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Andrew Smith

Andrew is a graduate consultant in the Criticality Safety team at Cerberus Nuclear. Before starting at with the company, Andrew took a master’s degree in Nuclear Science and Technology at the University of Manchester. As part of this, Andrew worked with Cerberus Nuclear on his master’s dissertation. His project focused on criticality calculations for a NWS transport package, for which some parameters would be varied in order to examine the sensitivity of the multiplication factor to these variations. This was in preparation for possible use in a future criticality transport toolkit. 

Tu Nguyen

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Tu Nguyen

Tu is a graduate criticality safety consultant who has just completed his PhD thesis on a research project on safety, regulation and digital application for fusion powerplant. During his PhD, he has been familiarised with nuclear safety cases, regulation frameworks and a range of digital applications. He has also spent 5 months at the Spherical Tokamak for Energy Production (STEP) programme at UKAEA to experience the safety design approaches.  Prior to this, Tu has a MSc in Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors at the University of Birmingham, which has provided him with the background knowledge in nuclear physics and reactor technologies. Throughout his education, he has undertaken extensive nuclear training courses and attended conferences. 

Nick Seibt

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Nick Seibt

Nick is a Graduate Assessor in the Radiation Shielding team at Cerberus Nuclear. Before starting with the company, Nick undertook a master’s degree in Nuclear Science and Technology at the University of Manchester. Nick worked with Cerberus Nuclear on his master’s dissertation. His Project focused on the development of a software set, which automatically generates randomised MCNP code for the generation of crack-like defects in concrete shielding structures. This was in preparation for input into a machine learning algorithm as training data. The MCNP inputs include optimisation techniques, verified to provide valid calculation results.

Prior to his master’s degree, Nick undertook his Diplom-Ingenieur (FH) (equivalent to between a bachelor’s and master’s degree) in Energy Technology, focusing on Applied Radiation Technologies. During his undergraduate degree, Nick worked with a German engineering office, undertaking decommissioning work for some of Germany’s major energy providers. He planned and executed a measurement campaign, aiding in the decommissioning of the reactor building. During this time, he also gained experience with lab-based and in-situ gamma spectrometry.  

Sarah O'Sullivan

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Sarah O'Sullivan

Sarah is a Criticality Consultant with two years prior experience as a nuclear safety consultant supporting waste treatment projects for civil nuclear clients. She has produced criticality hazard assessments for DSRL and EDF Cyclife along with providing criticality advice for High Active Waste Thermal Treatment concept plants at Sellafield.  Prior to this, Sarah completed a PhD in Nuclear Materials Science and has experience of laboratory and synchrotron characterisation of uranium, thorium and technetium compounds. She is now working towards gaining chartership status with Cerberus Nuclear.

Lisa Shenton

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Lisa Shenton

Lisa Shenton is a Business Administrator at Cerberus Nuclear. She provides invaluable support to the Cerberus Nuclear management team and consultants. Her role is varied and includes supporting the business in finance, commercial, marketing and bid management. She is also responsible for invoicing, and will be in regular contact with our clients.

Zachary Strangwood

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Zachary Strangwood

Zachary is a Radiation Shielding Consultant with an MSc in Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors. He has provided radiation shielding support on various projects during his time at Cerberus Nuclear and has become a proficient user of MCNP. He has modelled an NDT cell design using MCNP to perform dose and shielding calculations. He has also used MCNP to support a source analysis of UF6 storage cylinders for Urenco UK, considering the geometry of the entire site. Prior to full time employment with Cerberus Nuclear, he spent 3 months developing an interpolation engine for use in radiation transport problems as part of his MSc placement. His project consisted of modelling various radiation shielding scenarios with moving sources in MCNP and processing this data using Python. Zachary has completed training courses in OpenMC and basic radiological protection. He has also been trained internally in the use of MCNP, ADVANTG, and MicroShield, as well as CAD packages and CAD conversion tools.  Zachary also has on site experience performing shielding verification tests. He used an 880 projector to perform radiation shield integrity testing as part of the Brighton 3Ts hospital redevelopment. 

Nathan Chambers

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Nathan Chambers

Nathan is Radiation Shielding Consultant with an MSc in Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors. He has been involved in Radiation Shielding and Characterisation projects and has been taking part in outreach programmes since joining the company. Nathan is experienced in using Computational Solid Geometry and CAD to build and edit geometries for use in calculations. His calculation experience includes the use of MCNP and SCALE in assessments for shield doors, cracks in concrete walls and the shielding of electrical conduits. Nathan is also experienced at Shielding Verification Testing and has supported multiple site visits to carry out critical examinations. Nathan has gained experience in dose uptake calculations, labyrinth design, and machine learning through his work with other clients. He is also presently engaged in internal company training.

Haleema H

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Haleema H

Haleema is a Criticality Consultant with an MSc in Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management supplementing her BSc in Physics. Haleema has been involved in project work for the Safety Case Team at UUK, including a criticality transport assessment. She has built complex models in MCNP of nuclear waste storage, such as ponds and bunkers, and ran subsequent criticality calculations. When joining Cerberus Haleema completed a criticality project investigating a reactor built via. MCNP with multiple parameter variations. The criticality for each variation of parameterisation was used for analysis and training of a machine learning algorithm to create a criticality training tool, utilising Python, Jupyter and her data science skills. Since joining Cerberus Haleema has also completed a shielding assessment and subsequent report.  

John Billingsley

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John Billingsley

John is a Radiation Shielding Consultant with more than 3 years’ experience in the nuclear industry. Since joining Cerberus Nuclear, he has contributed to shielding verification support for BAE Systems PBC, formed part of a multidisciplinary team collaborating on the shielding design of the STEP reactor, and has performed shielding calculations for LLWR. John is also developing new software tools, including novel techniques for analysing neutronics simulation results, as well as undergoing extensive in-house training to become an advanced user of MCNP and SCALE.

John supported UKAEA’s STEP programme with the construction of neutronics-ready models of spherical tokamak components, and performing CSG- and CAD-based calculations using OpenMC and DAGMC. He has also produced methods of automated data analysis with python scripting resulting in streamlined post processing of Monte Carlo and CAD related information. During this period John became well versed in radiation shielding and materials science for neutronic applications.

Katrina Christaki

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Katrina Christaki

Katrina is a Criticality Assessor with over three years of experience in the nuclear industry. She has worked on a range of projects, from new build to decommissioning for clients including AWE, UUK, UNS and NWS. Katrina’s experience includes authoring HAZANs and PSR documents, chairing optioneering studies, attending HAZIDs as a criticality specialist and attending HAZOPs as secretary. She is skilled in the use of criticality codes for calculations, with particular experience in using MONK, MCNP, and the MCNP validation tool Whisper, on client projects. Katrina also attended the Los Alamos Criticality Calculations Training Course for MCNP. She has also worked as part of integrated project safety teams providing criticality support and criticality safety assessment. As part of the team, she has also been involved in fault analysis, collaboratively working with key stakeholders.

Alongside her consultancy roles, Katrina has been elected as the current secretary for the Working Party on Criticality (WPC) and takes an active role in supporting by producing meeting agendas and minutes and managing WPC papers. She has also been involved in in-house development work, including Cerberus Nuclear’s criticality safety VR training aid, CARTA, and has played an active role in running graduate training sessions and student project supervision.

Sam Hilton

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Sam Hilton

Sam has over four years of experience at Cerberus Nuclear as a nuclear safety consultant specialising in radiation shielding and visualisation of dose information. He has completed various shielding assessments in areas such as bulk shielding, detailed design, radioactive transport, beamline target activation, target source term generation, burnup source term generation and shielding optimisation. He is an advanced user of Monte Carlo codes, including MCNP, PHITS, OpenMC and SCALE.

Sam is also part of the Cerberus Nuclear data visualisation design team and has developed unique methods for displaying highly complex radiation field data in VR, also allowing physical object interaction within the immersive environment. In addition to the above, Sam has produced MSc approved dissertation projects and provided mentorship to our NTEC placement students on criticality safety anomalies for the second year running.

TEAM news

PTNR Industrial Lecture 2025
Cerberus Nuclear returned to the University of Birmingham to deliver an industrial lecture for the Physics and Technology of Nuclear Reactors (PTNR) masters course. Katrina, Toby, and Zac are all alumni of the PTNR course and were excited to return to campus for this presentation. Katrina opened the presentation, introducing the students to Cerberus Nuclear […]
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HAWTT Team wins NDA Collaboration Award
Following on from the recent NDA supply chain event, we are proud to share that the Higher Activity Waste Thermal Treatment Team (HAWTT) were announced as the winners of the award for 'best example of delivering excellence through collaboration'! Cerberus Nuclear alongside NTS and NWS colleagues have been providing criticality expertise to the programme as […]
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Cerberus Nuclear at the 55th Shielding Forum Meeting
Earlier this week, Cerberus Nuclear was delighted to once again participate in the 55th Shielding Forum Meeting, hosted by Nuclear Transport Solutions at Birchwood Park, Warrington. This meeting is an important event in the calendar for radiation shielding professionals, offering a chance to learn about recent advancements in the field, share knowledge, and network with […]
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  shield integrity testing  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  Innovation & Nuclear AI


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