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COVID-19 update

Article by - Stewart Hay on 24 March 2020

These past few weeks have been a strange time for all of us, we are adjusting to a new reality and in accordance with the government advice on social distancing, since last week we have all been working at home. We are pleased to report that everyone is well and our company and capabilities remain fully functioning, being unaffected by the physical separation.

During these uncertain times our priorities are clear:

  1. maintaining the health and safety of our team and their families;
  2. providing a smooth, reliable service for our clients.

We are thankfully currently on track with both of these. Our IT networks, communications infrastructure, computing capability and company culture was always set up to allow for flexible and remote working as the norm. If there are any small businesses that would like some help and advice with this, then please get in touch and we’d be more than happy to assist.

Hope you all stay safe out there! Best wishes from the Cerberus Nuclear team.

(Pete’s plant has been rescued from the office today)



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