Craig Holland
Craig has 16 years’ experience in the nuclear industry, specialising primarily in criticality safety assessments and radiation shielding assessments. He has worked for multiple clients across the UK in the civil nuclear and defence industries, including Urenco, Magnox and AWE. He has extensive experience on operational and decommissioning projects, as well as the provision of independent checking and peer review. He has particular recent experience of criticality assessments, safety case support, HAZAN production and provision of ad hoc criticality advice in his role providing support to Urenco as senior criticality safety assessor.
Craig is highly experienced in the use of radiation transport and criticality codes such as MCNP, MONK and RANKERN, including the use of variance reduction techniques, and has extensive experience in production of safety case documentation, including HAZANs, criticality safety assessments, technical reports, CWS (CIDAS) omission cases, CWS placement studies and SOE assessments. He also has significant experience in criticality emergency planning.
Craig has been a director of Cerberus Nuclear since its inception in 2016.