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CARTA Criticality Training

Criticality safety is complicated, CARTA just made it easier

What is CARTA?

Criticality safety can be complicated; there are many physical factors that determine the ‘k-effective’ of a system (i.e. if it can become ‘critical’). The interplay between these factors can be counterintuitive and the results are often difficult to explain. This can result in ineffective, PowerPoint heavy training sessions.

CARTA is a virtual reality criticality safety simulation tool that has been developed by Cerberus Nuclear to convey the factors that affect neutron multiplication in a readily intelligible and memorable way. CARTA does this by combining first-person computer game graphics and virtual reality to make immediately apparent the link between an operator’s actions and their effect on k-effective. As a result, trainees gain a deeper understanding of how criticality is prevented and why multi-parameter control is important.

Give it a try!

The simulation below is a recreation of the criticality accident that occurred in Tokaimura, Japan in 1999. You can adjust the parameters on the right-hand side (uranium concentration, enrichment, fill level, and reflector height) and see the k-effective change in real time. The system can be made critical with high concentrations and enrichments, and a critical system can be shown to become sub-critical when the water reflector is drain (as was the case with the real accident).

This is a very simple simulation that shows the basic CARTA concept. You can sign up for a free account below to try out our MAGIC MERV simulation that includes many more parameters, and is available for purchase in VR, along with our Glovebox Process Simulation.

How does it work?

Calculation of k-effective, as the measure of a system’s reactivity, is dependent upon many interacting parameters and accurate estimation generally requires the use of Monte Carlo techniques, which despite the advent of faster computers, cannot yet be used to determine k-effective in real-time.
CARTA is a novel approach that solves this problem by combining the results of Monte Carlo calculations of k-effective with a machine learning algorithm, so that k-effective can be determined ‘on-the-fly’ for a given system. CARTA then incorporates a desktop or VR headset-based visualisation of the scenario, so that users are able to see directly the effect of their actions on the system’s reactivity, both graphically and numerically.

How is it used?

CARTA is a tool, which is best used to enhance any criticality training course.
• The desktop version of CARTA can be woven into individual computer-based training to illustrate important concepts, provide practical examples or test the trainee.

• CARTA can be used as a group training activity; the class can work through an exercise together, encouraging lively interaction between trainer and trainees. This can be performed with the desktop environment or with a VR headset ‘casting’ what the user sees onto a screen.

• For more intensive training, CARTA can be used with small groups, with individuals working through scenarios under the supervision of a trainer. This provides more opportunity to relate the simulations to a particular site or facility.
• Outside of training, the CARTA method can be used as an optioneering tool that allows stakeholders to see the effect of design changes on both on criticality safety but also design parameters such as dose rate, weight and/or costs.

• CARTA can also be used as a fantastic stakeholder engagement tool at conferences or exhibitions.
Cerberus Nuclear can tailor CARTA to align with your existing training programmes, or our experienced criticality safety team can design an entire criticality safety course, with CARTA providing a key highlight.

How do I get it?

We offer two ready-made CARTA simulations, which will provide immediate enhancements to existing training courses. Whilst these simulations do not require any bespoke development, ongoing support can be provided upon request. We can also discuss your training objectives and develop training material to integrate with your existing training programmes.
These scenarios are completing development – please let us know if you are interested; they are scheduled for release in November 2022 (

CARTA – The ‘MAGIC MERV’ Simulation

This simulation is conceptual in nature and so can be used to engage with a wide range of stakeholders, from criticality specialist to the general public. Trainers can use the MAGIC MERV Simulation to create training scenarios to demonstrate the factors that affect criticality:


















The simulation involves the handling of two spheres of plutonium and water mixtures. The environment resembles a laboratory.

In addition to demonstrating lots of the factors that affect criticality, which is useful for introductory criticality training, the conceptualised simulation is easy to understand for wider stakeholders. For more advanced trainees, the ‘moderator-poison-moderator’ flux trap provides more challenging demonstrations or experiments, intended to demonstrate how neutron absorbers can be used to control reactivity.

CARTA – Glove Box Process Simulation

The context is a glove box in a production facility, containing an assay chamber, mass balance and an engineered array.
It is imagined that the operations carried out in the glove box are:

• Receipt of a canister of fissile material.
• Weighing of the canister on the mass balance.
• Assay of the canister to determine its plutonium content.
• Acceptance or rejection of the canister depending on its plutonium content and/ or other criteria.
• Temporary storage of accepted canisters in the array in order to assemble a batch for a downstream process which is outside the scope of the simulation.
It could be imagined that the canisters hold swarf, casting residues, fragments of product material or rejected components.

Trainers can use the Glove Box Process Simulation to create training scenarios connected with the definition and implementation of criticality controls or rules based on one or several of:

• Gross mass.
• Mass of plutonium.
• Mass of plutonium-239 (Pu239).
• Plutonium-240 (Pu240) content.
• Moderation state.
The simulation includes a mass balance and assay chamber so potential complications due to statistical uncertainty in the assay result and/ or bias in the assay result can be included.

The Glove Box Process Simulation is aimed at plant operators, with the training scenarios aimed at reinforcing the need to comply with and understand criticality controls. The simulation is equally effective for criticality assessors who must understand the impact of their designated criticality controls on the operators who will need to comply with them.

CARTA – Bespoke Development

One of the strengths of CARTA is that bespoke scenarios can be developed to simulate your fissile processes and systems. It is possible to recreate facilities down to minute details in the VR environment or use the CARTA method to quickly model a range of design options to assist optioneering.

These bespoke training scenarios can be integrated with the existing ‘off the shelf’ MAGRIC MERV Simulation and Glove Box Process Simulation to give your trainees a wider, more effective training experience.
Our process for developing a bespoke CARTA simulation
Get in touch by emailing or get in touch through the form below.
Initial discussions
We’ll hold an initial consultation via videoconference to discuss your requirements and possible solutions using CARTA. Alternatively, we can visit your site to gain a deeper understanding of the process and/ or existing training programme.
Deliverable – Proposal
We will produce a written proposal, which broadly sets out the deliverables, timescales and costs.
Design meetings
We’ll work with you to design a simulation that makes best use of the capabilities of CARTA, with a focus on your training objectives and desired user experience.
Deliverable – Storyboarding
We’ll develop storyboards to show how the user will experience the simulation to ensure that you’re happy with the approach.
Scoping calculations
We will run Monte Carlo scoping calculations to determine an appropriate ‘parameter space’ to model. This ensures that the proposed simulations align with the training objectives.
Deliverable – Agreement of specification
We’ll produce a detailed written specification, accounting for the findings of the previous stages. There will be an opportunity to consider options for additional or simplified functionality to control costs.
Monte Carlo production runs
Tens of thousands of Monte Carlo calculations are run to determine k-effective values. The exact number depends on the complexity of the simulation and number of parameters considered. A typical CARTA simulation may consider five to ten parameters or ‘variables’.
Develop a Machine Learning algorithm
Machine Learning techniques are used to produce a program that is able to interpolate, effectively in real-time, between the Monte Carlo results.
VR and/or desktop environment development
The environments are developed along with the interface to the Machine Learning algorithm. Attention is paid to user controls and visuals so that the simulation is completely immersive for the user.
Deliverable – Production of associated documentation
If required, we can produce various types of user documentation and training material, including user guides, lesson plans, mock-up Safety Case documentation, etc.
We will deliver the software making sure you are comfortable setting up and using any associated hardware. Our criticality assessors can support any training or integration activities, as required.

other services

Cerberus Nuclear has one of the largest independent criticality safety teams in the UK and has significant experience in supporting key clients across the nuclear industry. We are also members of the UK Working Party on Criticality (WPC), which is focusing on criticality safety issues.
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We are at the forefront of the development and deployment of innovative and cost effective non-destructive techniques which can be used for physical and radiometric measurement in highly challenging environments. Our techniques can be applied across a range of sectors.
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Our team has extensive experience in development of software projects. We use the Agile methodology for rapid release and short development cycles
We are experts in data science specifically for nuclear engineering applications and the analysis of very large data sets.
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CARTA Criticality Training news

HAWTT Team wins NDA Collaboration Award
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WPC Workshop on Criticality Safety Assessment Methods
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YGN Introduction to Safety Case, Criticality and Shielding Seminar
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Cerberus Nuclear joins University of Birmingham Nuclear Masters Steering Committee
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 Industry memberships and collaborative organisations

radiation shielding  |  shield integrity testing  |  criticality safety  |  nuclear characterisation  |  Innovation & Nuclear AI


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